Our Philosophy

World Peace can only be achieved by understanding

One of the reasons we, ourselves, came together as a team is because of this exact sentence. All of us understand the importance of World Peace and can't stand apathy towards its achievement. Fighting for peace is an oxymoron, but that's really the only fight we are eager to pick up. We believe that, out of all the social issues concerning us nowadays, this one includes them all (poverty, racism, unemployment etc). So, aiming for a more peaceful world is, actually, the best you can do for your society.

When it comes to World Peace small is the new big

Having big ideas that can be into act. Often good ideas are staring right into your face so you kind of miss them. It’s about tiny things that can make a huge difference. Tiny solutions that can make a huge amount of impact. Creativity is a way of understanding the world and everyone has this ability. Coming up with creative solutions to big problems, such as this one, and also learning from failure. It needs trust that the human-centered design process will show how to bring a creative approach to every single problem. The mindset that you are a wildly creative person.

The Vision
We want everyone to strive for World Peace and their rights as human beings
True equality between men and women

Fair distribution of wealth

Implement climate change policies

Fix intergenerational relations

Peace out
World Peace begins with inner peace
-Dalai Lama
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