Short TEDtalk

Project W is all about World Peace

The video you are about to watch is a Project W production for our Social Issues, Social Innovation & Corporate Responsibility class, inspired by TED.

But before that...
Let's think about it

Many people are facing violence, discrimination, poverty, lack of freedom on a daily basis globally.
World peace is a ‘state’ that most of us are currently living under and maybe even have taken for granted. It might be due to the fact that declarations of war are not as common nowadays or maybe we are just too caught up in our everyday lives to be concerned about its maintenance. However, how sure can one be that world peace is an everlasting human achievement that doesn’t need to be watched over. With the recent events of police brutality resulting in deaths of innocent citizens the terrorist attacks and mass homicides, the illusion of an eternal world peace becomes more evident.
The Video
In our TED talk video, our team’s representative speaker, Elena Alid, talks about the importance of world peace to humanity, the individual responsibility each one of us has in the act of protecting it and the vital use of social media to stir social innovation through manifesting movements that help societies become a better place to live in.

"Making Peace In The World"
Nov 10 / 2020 / Athens

Elena Alid


“Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.”

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