Interview with Michalis Christodoulakis

Our Interviewee:

Michalis Christodoulakis

Michalis Christodoulakis (MSc Electrical Engineer and Renewable Energy Systems, Leeds) answered our questions in regards to circular economy, its association with sustainable development and also its connection to World Peace.

The Interview Experience:

We held the online meeting through zoom and the overall atmosphere was friendly and pleasant. At the same time, Michalis shared a lot of interesting information about the topic of circular economy and more.

At first we proceeded to
Break down the basics

Circular economy: Is the act of producing something and then recycling and returning it to the factory to save energy and costs.

Sustainable development: Is about making society grow gradually, in a way that will help both people and the environment.

The Interview In Short

What is the connection between Circular Economy and World Peace?

Circular economy and world peace have a common purpose; they help the environment. Environment could be considered a disturbance to world peace. Wars are fought over oil, energy etc. In that sense, there is a terrible inequality between developed and underdeveloped countries. In this part, energy with corporate investments could be offered to help these people live in much better conditions."In the end, you help the environment which will help you and all your other fellow human beings"

What is the problem with recycling?

A major issue is the location of the bins. They are not strategically placed to help you recycle. They should exist in large spaces such as supermarkets and not in narrow ones. The main problem is that most people do not know what the function of these bins is, so they do not use them properly. People need to start realizing the seriousness of the environmental issue, which is already evident (extreme temperatures, rainfall in the summer months, high temperatures in winter). Another very important problem is that the purpose of recycling bins is to contain all the recyclable materials, when there should really be a seperation of materials.

How can we overcome this?

Through a plan from which the user will understand what he/she is gaining.

Environmentally conscious people will not think about that; but the rest need an incentive. As far as the mobilization of big groups is concerned, we asked him about the companies.The goal of any company is profit – either moral, financial or for promotional purposes. However, the new circular economy bill stipulates that companies will be forced to pay European Union taxes if they have a low percentage of recyclable materials (this will be determined by the volume of waste produced by each company).

What about the Green Solution project?

“People are not interested in recycling for environmental purposes, on the contrary, they mobilize much more easily when it is to earn something.” So, they suggest an application that will reward the user for recycling and there will be companies that give offers. They are proposing to build green energy-related bins as well.

Michalis also explained that in order for people to be motivated again it is important to give them a motive. His project is all about that.

After all, we concluded that

Everything is possible as long as each one of us has the consciousness to help the environment by taking small steps at a time towards a greener and more peaceful world

The essence of the circular economy is to redefine the way we consider growth


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